Rain, rain go away ! Come again another day !

Our trip to the Olympic Peninsula did not quite turn out the way we expected it to go. It was raining - we were lucky our first 4 days in Seattle but the 5th day we were not so lucky. As we made our way up the hurricane ridge, we were driving among clouds. From where we were to see as far as Canada, this is what we saw.

But as luck would have it, it seemed even the deer were lost in the clouds. We spotted them at each and every turn, probably about 30-40 in all - the deer were all around. We had to drive carefully because they just seemed to be everywhere. It was a slow ascent and descent for that reason but it gave us a lot of opportunity to photograph them at close quarters. We didn't even have to leave the comfort of our car.

It was, however, pleasanter once we drove down the hurricane ridge. As if the rain was just waiting for us to descend. It was bright and sunny once we came down.

We happened to stop at some small towns on our way back to catch the ferry back to Seattle. There was this lovely lake (I forget the name) we stopped at with these beautiful yellow trees. Vijay, Pragya, Sunit and I spent some considerable time just walking around this place near the lake.

And one of our last stops on the Olympic Peninsula was this Indian Art market with some boutiques selling Indian Art. The entrance was marked by these classic totem poles. By the way, by Indian Art I mean the native Indian art of America.

As I said, the drive to hurricane ridge was not at all what we wanted it to be, but it was good nonetheless with all the wildlife around. What we really enjoyed were the small stops on our way back at different lakeside and seaside places.


travel plaza said…
Pooja, Nice pictures. Sometimes vacations don't turn out the way we want them to, but I've noticed that they are still wonderful and we find something memorable out of every vacation:)
Sigma said…
Hi Pooja,

I have read quite a few of your travel memoirs, and really liked them. And lovely pics.

I am creating a link to your blog from mine. Please let me know if you prefer I'd rather not.

Pooja Aggarwal said…
Travel Plaza,

You are absolutely right - one can always find something or the other to like about a place.


Thanks for the good words and you are most welcome to link my blog from yours. I see that you have started your own set of travel memoirs. And they are interesting. Keep blogging :-)

Take care,
Vj said…
wonderful pics
u have been tagged

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