The best is yet to come

Here's a sneak peak at my next post. Its about the Butchart Gardens we visited when in Victoria and since the place was so beautiful that atleast 2 posts be devoted to it, I thought it best to start off with a trailer.

Here are some pictures to get you interested.

The Butchart Gardens

The experimental garden - where they experiment before they plant the real garden

I have not seen more perfect tulips

Or more perfect english daisies...

But as the heading says the best is yet to be.


Anonymous said…
Amazingly perfect flowers! At first glance the tulips looked as if each of them had been hand painted extremely carefully.

Looking forward to more of Butchart's snaps.
Vj said…
Wow's a visual treat
I've spotted some great flowers while I was travelling to vally of flowers

but these look extraordinary.
thanks for sharing.

adn you've been tagged
Pooja Aggarwal said…
Thanks Vibha, I am going to post more on Butchart soon.

VJ, Glad you liked it. And I am assuming getting "tagged" means you will be able to follow this blog more closely. Or am I missing something here ? Thanks.
Sigma said…
Wonderful pictures indeed. The tulips amazingly beautiful. Looking forward to further visual treat!
travel plaza said…
Wow! Beautiful pictures Pooja. Amazing really...looking forward to the next post.
Vj said…
Yes ..I'll keep a close watch from now on :)
My page can redirect me to your page ..

thanks for dropping by.
Mridula said…
Mouthwatering pictures. I want more.

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